Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A good and sad time

Well I have had a few good and bad couple of days. I found out my liver is not good right now. I either have Hep C or Fatty liver. I am going for the fatty liver cuz I have never known any one with Hep C and he said i didn't have kind of signs for it but he is checking me for that and I get a ultra sound of my liver tomorrow. This will be fun. Kind of scared of this cuz I don't know much about liver. I am just glad I found out about it now. It said that people will not get the symptoms of it till like they are really bad but I went and got my annual blood test for my thyroid and they checked my liver too so every thing else looks good =] Mom and dad and grandma and grandpa pete went to the hoover dam this last week to see the rainbow bridge that they have been trying to make for 20 plus years then they got to see the grand canyon. They got back to Jerome late last night so still haven't gotten a chance to see mom or dad yet. I am sure they had fun and I called them a million times hehehehe. We had two deaths in two days. My great Uncle Tedd died and then the next day my moms good friend Diane died. She had surgery a week or two before and it just got the better of her. I will miss both of them very very much but I know they are both in a better place with God. Olivia will be 2 years old on Thursday. It is weird. My baby is getting older and I don't want her to hehehe. We are going to try and have a birthday party for her and my mom on Sat but because of all the deaths we might have to postpone the party stuff. I hope not cuz I doubt we will get to it after the fact. We didn't have a party for her on her first birthday so wanted to have one this time. this is a picture of my dad pumpkins. They are allot so I am glad more carving for me =] I got a new camera and was going to send Paul my old one but decided to send him the new one sense it has more pix and also it runs on batteries which is much much better then a charger. I hope he likes it cuz I sure do. But maybe I can find me a good new camera. Mine is falling apart for wear and tear on it. It has been a good camera but time to upgrade to more pix and better zoom. Hard to keep up with the girls when you zoom isn't that great =].