Saturday, September 20, 2008

car accident

Well it is almost 3 in the morning and we are all up right now. There was a car accident on the corner. This one was weird. I was laying in bed and I heard this weird noise and then the power went off. I looked outside and seen one little light and then a white car that was flipped over. So got up told my mom and grabbed my cell phone and called 911. OK I went out and looked out my window again and i thought who ever was in that car was dead it was just dead silence outside. So my dad and I got a flash light and went outside and the were like a million cops like almost instantly surrounding the car and I look to the right of me and there is this guy on his cell and I asked him if that was his car and he said yes OH MY GOSHHHHHH I thought I was going to cry. I was just to happy to know that he was OK and not dead. I am not sure if he was just really tired or if he had been drinking. I know all of city of Rupert and I swear every cop on duty were out here tonight for this. i felt kind of bad the guys wife came out she is still outside trying to get all this figured out and i believe they took the kid to the jail. So I am not sure what really happened with him. We were just outside and it is 3:10 and they are trying to get the car up on the tow truck. They flipped the car back over which was something I have never seen before. It is raining right now and there is thunder and lighting outside as well. When they flipped the car those cops were on that car like cops to a donut hehhehe The one thing i seen in that car in the back was a infant car seat base so you know that guy was a dad. so this is my exciting morning .......